18 Apr 2014

Asiya (RA) A Woman To Learn From

I've read the story of Asiya (RA), one of the best women of Jannah (Khadeejah, Fatimah, Maryam mother of Jesus are also the best women of Jannah) and I loved it so much that I thought in making a post about the morals of this story. It inspired me. Alhamdulillah.

Asiya (RA) was a great woman, a great example of how women must be, strong, independent, confident and steadfast in her faith. Her husband oppressed her and he did awful things to her, did she obey him? NO why? Because women doesn't have to obey anyone who “asks” her to give up their faith, dignity, rights, integrity or everything. We don't have to obey when he force us to do something we don't want, something we don't believe in or something bad.
We as muslims must seek knowledge and this include women, no man can stop us from this if any does so, you better be away from such people, learning is important to not be ignorant, to not be easily influences nor manipulated, can't you see it's importance?

The Prophet (saw) said: "Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim" [Ibn Majaah]

Islam has forbidden us from following any path other than the path of ‘Ilm: “And follow not that of which you have no knowledge. Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the heart, of each of those you will be questioned (by Allah).” [Quran 17:36]

Also, we must be careful from where we learn from, study your options and if you see something negative (against the real teachings of he Quran) in it, go away from it. This is your key to Jannah, make sure you get the right one, you only have this life to do so.
A narration of Imam Zuhri springs to mind, "Be careful from whom you take your knowledge, because that is your Deen."

As a revert muslimah, I found many many MANY “brothers” and “sisters” that when they knew I was a revert they desperately wanted to “help” me and with the excuse “you know nothing” they tried to brainwash me and make me believe horrible things telling me that's what Islam says. Everytime I asked for references they said “You are douting Islam? You are not a Muslim you must believe me” “Later I can't now” and those references never came etc etc.

So my advice is, 1 if someone tells you something about Islam, ask for references ALWAYS, if what they are saying is true, they won't have any problem to give it to you, if they give them to you, check them by yourself, just in case. Don't let yourself being emotionally manipulated “Don't you trust my word? Is not my word trustworthy enough?” Things like this. Actually no, their word is not trustworthy enough so don't be afraid or sad to ask for proofs, it's your right.
Another advice which I follow without exception is, Islam is peace, love, respect... so whatever goes out of those lines, IT'S NOT ISLAM. Doubt it and search the truth, it might have been out of context or totally invented.

"La cura para la ignorancia es preguntar" 
- Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahu Allahi Wa Salam)

"Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who have been granted knowledge to high ranks." [58:11]

"And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge." [20:114]

"It is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah." [35:28]

"Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to Paradise for him. [Bukhari]

"When Allah wishes good for a person, He makes him understand the religion." [Bukhari]

In conclusion, please please please, get knowledge, be strong and stand up for your belief and rights and don't allow anyone to take them away from you. You are precious, Allah made you like this, no one on earth can make you feel the opposite. Claim what Allah has given you. Those who deny it, FEAR ALLAH, you can't decide what to follow and what don't as you can't force anyone to follow something that benefit you and ignore those that don't benefit you but does to them. Don't be arrogant, don't be selfish, don't be an hypocritical man.

"El Islam no es un buffet donde puedes 
elegir lo que quieras."

May Allah guide us and give us the right knowledge and understanding of His Islam. May Make us women strong enough to stand up for our rights and men wise enough to accept them and make it easy for us. Amin

Aishah Aish

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