19 Jun 2015

Consideration in Ramadan

Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

One of the virtues of this month is learning to be better muslims in every sense, decrease our sins, increase our good deeds. Some muslims, even if it's only for a month apply this quite well, they completely change their behaviour and habits and some of them, keep it after Ramadan, subhana Allah! But there is something that never changes in any Ramadan, people sharing their food, sharing everything they do with their families, even if it's to praise them, where is the consideration for your fellow brothers and sisters? 

First of all, think about the time zones, while you are able to eat, others must be in the middle of their fast, don't make it harder for them that it already is!
Second thing, not all muslims in the world have a family to be with, not all of us have the blessings that most of you see normal and are taking for granted, not all of us can have a proper Iftar or a proper Suhoor, why do you think about us too?

I'm a revert muslim, I'm alone in my family and they don't allow me to believe in what I believe, not to say they allow me to fast, I can't but I try everyday. When I fast and Iftar time comes, all I have is a normal dinner as any other day at home, this dinner I can't eat it all, why? because I need to eat something at Suhoor too, what do I do? After all day fasting, I eat half of my dinner and save the other half so I have something "heavy" to eat at Suhoor.. this is how my Ramadan goes and this are the days there is something to cook, not always is like this, sometimes dinner is just a sandwich so what's left for the next morning?

This is not for lack of money or food, but because as a revert I have to hide what I am doing. So when I see all of you, either complaining for the food, overeating and complaining after that (which is not right, Ramadan is not a food festival, you HAVE TO feel the hunger and thirst to do it properly, you just need to eat to recover the energy not to simply fill your stomach as much as you can because "I won't be able to eat tomorrow", that's the point !! You have to feel your empty stomach! Eat things that benefit you not just fill yourself. This post might interest you.) this breaks me down, I have nothing, no family to support me, or anything else, and you got it all and not only spread it like if it was nothing but also complain? TAKE US INTO CONSIDERATION. 
You are blessed, Alhamdulillah, but no need to show it all, Muslims must have empathy.
The Prophet told us to not boast, not not have pride, apply this, why do you forget it during this time?

Ramadan is not always as amazing as it is for most families, most of us are alone, most of us have a hard time here, this causes us to be sad and down, this is not like a Ummah should be.

Aishah Aish

16 Jun 2015

Ramadan Is Here / Ramadán está aquí

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

Common mistakes in Ramadhan:           Errores comunes en Ramadan:

1. Drinking "rooh afza" on a daily basis

- Why: It contains high amounts of sugar, additives and colarants
- Solution: If you have to, drink it twice a week maximum

1. Beber "Rooh afza" diariamente.

- ¿Porqué?: Contiene elevados niveles de azúcar, aditivos y colorantes
- Solución: Si tiene que beber, hazlo dos veces a la semana como máximo

2. Drinking large amounts of water at iftaar time

- Why: Filling the stomach with water is more strenuous to it than with food.
- Solution: have a few sips at iftaar then a glass after every two hours. (
I would reduce it to one hour or half if there are not much time until suhor)

2. Beber grandes cantidades de agua a la hora del iftar

- Porqué?: Llenarse el estómago con agua es más extenuante que con comida.
- Solución: toma unos cuantos sorbos en el iftar y entonces un vaso cada dos horas (yo lo reduciría a una hora o media si no hay mucho tiempo hasta el suhor)

3. Exercising directly after iftaar.

- Why: the body's blood flow is concentrated around the stomach at that time.
- Solution: Exercise after two hours of eating to ease digestion.

3. Hacer ejercicio directamente después del Iftar.

- ¿Porqué?: La sangre fluye alrededor del estómago en ese momento.
- Solución: Haz ejercicio dos horas después de comer para facilitar la digestión.

4. Chewing and swallowing food fast.

- Why: chewing food slowly can speed up digestion and help maintain your weight

4. Masticar y tragar la comida rápido

- ¿Porqué? Masticar la comida lentamente puede acelerar la digestión y ayudar a mantener tu peso

5. Having dessert directly after iftaar

-Why: they make you drowsy and sleepy
- Solution: leave at least a two hour gap between iftaar and dessert to stay fresh and awake for prayers

5. Tomar postre justo después del Iftar

-¿Porqué?: te adormece
- Solución: dejar al menos un espacio de dos horas entre el iftar y el postre para mantenerte fresco y despierto para rezar

6. Consuming foods with high amounts of sodium

- Why: Sodium triggers thirst through out the fasting hours of the day
- Solution: instead, eat foods that are high in potassium, they retain water and suppress your thirst.

6. Consumir comidas con grandes cantidades de sodio.

-¿Porqué?: El sodio dispara la sed en las horas de ayuno
- Solución: en su lugar, come comidas que son ricas en potasio, retienen el agua y suprime la sed

# Bananas are high in potassium. A banana at Suhoor time can control your thirst level through out the day.
# Los plátanos son ricos es potasio. Un plátano a la hora del Suhor puede controlar tu nivel de sed durante el día.

# Best sources of potassium for Suhoor time: 
-> Las mejores fuentes de potasio para el suhor son:

- Bananas                                     - Plátanos
- Milk                                            - Leche
- Dates                                          - Dátiles
- Avocados                                   - Aguacate
- Dried peaches                           - Duraznos secos
- Pistachios                                  - Pistachos
- Pumpkin                                    - Calabazas
- Peas                                             - Chícharos
- Dark chocolate                          - Chocolate Negro

# Worst choices for Suhoor: 
# Las peores opciones para el Suhoor:

- Biryani                                     - Biryani
- Kebab                                       - Kebab
- Pizza                                         - Pizza
- Fast food in general              - La comida basura en general
- Cheese                                     - Queso
- Haleem                                    - Haleem

# Best choices for Suhoor: 
# Las mejores opciones para el Suhoor:

- Potato                                      - Patatas

- Rice                                          - Arroz
- Dates                                        - Dátiles
- Whole grain bread                - Pan de grano entero
- Banana                                    - Plátano

Please do not keep this reminder to yourself, share with your beloved brothers and sisters . Ramadan is coming.
Por favor, no te guardes este recordatorio para tí, comparte con tus hermanos y hermanas.  Ramadan está llegando.

This was shared with me and I share with you.
Esto lo compartieron conmigo y yo lo comparto contigo.

Aishah Aish

4 Jun 2015

The Women Of Jannah

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh


  • She is Khadija: The first to accept Islam,a successful business woman a supporter to the early development of Islam,a philanthropist,I.e the first wife of the prophet (S.A.W).

  • She is Maryam: A virgin that give birth to prophet Isah (A.S),she sweeps and clean masjid day and night, She submitted herself to Allah and a surah in the Qur'an is named after her Suratul Maryam.

  • She is Aisha: The beloved wife of prophet (S.A.W).A devoted worshipper an educationist, scholar and a teacher of the science of hadith youth as she was, she was highly generous in memorization of qur'an and hadith.

  • She is Asiya: A woman of unshakable Imaan (faith), Foster mother of prophet Musa (A.S).A wife to a rich, powerful and dictator king fir'aun but yet full of wisdom. She forsake materialism and chosen Allah and the Hereafter.

  • She is Ummu Ammar(summayya ) :The first woman to embrace Islam outside the family of prophet (S.A.W),The first Muslim to be matryed.

  • She is Ummu Sulaim: One of The military woman who fought at the battle field while she was pregnant during the time of prophet (S.A.W).

  • She is Fatima : daughter of the prophet (S.A.W).an obedient wife and caring mother,a nurse and a doctor Who treated the injured and wounded at the battle field during the time of prophet (S.A.W).

YES: We are proud, we are too precious: why? Because in The Qur'an, Allah named a surah after us. An-nisah (The chapter of women)

Aishah Aish

Las Mujeres de Jannah

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh


  • Ella es Khadija: La primera en aceptar el Islam, una exitosa mujer de negocios que apoyó al desarrollo del Islam, una filántropa, y la primera esposa del Profeta (S.A.W.)

  • Ella es Maryam: Una virgen que dio a luz al Profeta Isah (A.S) [Jesus], barría y limpiaba la mezquita dia y noche, se sometió a Allah y una surah (capítulo) del Corán lleva su nombre. Surah Maryam

  • Ella es Aisha: La amada esposa del Profeta (S.A.W). Adoradora devota, educacionista, erudita y profesora de la ciencia de los hadices, tan joven como era, tenía una gran capacidad de memorización del Corán y los hádices.

  • Ella es Asiya: Una mujer de Imaan (fe) inquebrantable, madre adoptiva del profeta Musa [Moisés] (A.S). Esposa de un rico, poderoso y dictador faraón pero aún así lleno de conocimiento. Ella abandonó el materialismo y eligió a Allah y la Vida de Después.

  • Ella es Ummu Ammar (Summayya): La primera mujer en abrazar el Islam fuera de la familia del Profeta (S.A.W), la primera musulmana en ser martir.

  • Ella es Ummu Sulaim: Una mujer militar que luchó en el campo de batalla mientras estaba embarazada durante la época del Profeta (S.A.W).

  • Ella es Fátima: Hija del Profeta (S.A.W), una esposa obediente y madre cariñosa, una enfermera y doctora que trató a los heridos del campo de batalla durante la época del Profeta (S.A.W).

SI!: Estamos orgullosas, somos preciadas: ¿Por qué? Porque en El Corán, Allah nombró una Surah con nuestro nombre. An-Nisah (El capítulo de las mujeres)

Aishah Aish